Every morning I wake up to the alarm on my iPhone. My first thought is to check my email. I buy screen protectors monthly and constantly worry about battery life. My life revolves around the latest apps and social media trends, and going an hour without checking Twitter is unheard of for me.
I started a contact job in Maine 3 weeks ago. There is spotty cell coverage, the wifi is dial-up speed, and I'm working so much that I can barely find time to eat a meal. I'm out of touch with my mobile device and it's great.
As a social media disciple, I surround myself with technology, using my phone as an extension of my person and interacting almost exclusively online. While social media has an incredibly powerful voice in society, it is not the be all end all of communication.
in a world where we are increasingly surrounded by technology, unplugging, whether by force or by choice, can bring perspective to the world. And while ironic that I'm posting this blog from my mobile phone, I believe that my hiatus from constant social media and mobile access has helped me see social media more as a tool rather than a lifestyle, something that I think will help me in my next job. Social media can become consuming, especially when it is so prevalent in your career, and a break for constant online and mobile access, even for just a few weeks, has certainly been welcome.
And the view isn't half bad either.